ATC is joining up efforts with leading academic and commercial organisations in the context of the EU-funded RADON project (Grant Agreement: H2020-ICT-2018-2- 825040) to unlock the benefits of serverless function-as-a-service (Faas) computing for the European software industry. The project started in January 2019 and will last for 30 months.
RADON offers an advanced DevOps framework to help this industry in adopting serverless FaaS technology, while avoiding lock-in within a specific FaaS provider. The framework will consist of an integrated methodology and an open source toolchain, to define, evolve, and operate event-centric applications that consume serverless functions, allowing a high-degree of reuse and automation of functions, services and associated data pipelines. The RADON methodology will strive to tackle complexity, harmonize the abstraction and actuation of action-trigger rules, avoid FaaS lock-in, and optimize decomposition and reuse through model-based FaaS-enabled development and orchestration. The end goal is to broaden the adoption of serverless computing technologies within the European software industry.
The RADON Consortium is led by the Imperial College in UK and consists of experienced academic institutions (the Universities of Brabant, Tartu and Stuttgart), software vendors (ATC, XLB), solution integrators (Engineering), and software consulting firms (PRAQMA). This consortium exhibits the necessary diverse and complementary skills to provide real benefits for the software market, including Cloud providers, Software vendors, System integrators, Telco providers, Consulting firms, Mobile developers, IoT vendors and Research scholars. Thanks to technology innovation in the areas of function-level scaling and billing , automated orchestration , and reuse of functions, microservices and data pipelines, RADON will ensure that the software developed following the project framework will be faster, easier, and cheaper to develop and operate than today.
ATC participates in RADON as the exploitation leader and a use case provider with the ADAMO mobile application in the area of tourism and travel technologies. We will exploit RADON to leverage the existing decomposition of the application business logic into services and implement a user scenario, in which novel data pipelines and data-processing microservices , several of which FaaS-based, will be added to the current architecture. Business-wise, RADON will enable ATC to enrich the current prototype for developing personalised city break routes with a story-building environment, in which journalists will be able to author branded travel stories on places of interest, based on the experiences that the user post in multiple information sources (i.e. social media, blogs, news portals, etc.).
European Commission (H2020)
Jan 2019