

Novel tools for assisting the creation of video-based summaries of unfolding news stories

In the age of smartphones, video sharing platforms and social media, news events tend to generate large amounts of video content, which news and media organizations could exploit to develop novel revenue paths. However, selecting relevant content and embedding it to news stories, in a way that adds value, is a manual, labour-intensive, time-demanding task. aims to disrupt the news media landscape by providing a set of tools that empower journalists in creating engaging news stories through targeted video mashups. The project will develop a service-based platform that will utilize the capabilities of video analysis, annotation and summarization technologies. This platform will allow news and media organizations create multiple versions of videos, covering the same event, which are customizable to their audience needs.

Beyond a simple “money saving through automation” platform, aims to leverage monetisation for tomorrow’s media by delivering more engaging news streams, supported by easy to consume video summaries presenting the key concepts and viewpoints for the unfolding stories.

The project started in March 2019 and will last for 18 months.

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