iHELP project will focus on the early identification and mitigation of the risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer. The actions will be based on the application of advanced AI-based learning and decision support techniques on the primary and secondary data of Cancer patients, gathered from established data banks and cohorts. The goals are to determine the key risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer, to develop predictive models for identified risks as well as models for targeted prevention and intervention measures. The project selects high-risk individuals that are invited to take part in the pilot activities or digital trials.
iHELP is a collaboration between 15 partners from 9 countries: UPRC and ATC (Greece) ; LeanXcale, ICE-ES, UPM and MARINA SALUD SA (Spain); TKODAR and MED UNI-PLOVDIV (Bulgaria); iSPRINT (Belgium); ENG and FPG (Italy); SIEMENS SRL (Romania); UNIMAN (UK); KI (Sweden); TMU (Taiwan).
ATC will lead the actions in order to deliver mechanisms that realise the concept of personalised and integrated Holistic Health Records.
The project started in January 2021 and has a duration of 36 months.