BigMedilytics aims to use state-of-the-art Big Data technologies to improve the productivity of the Healthcare sector by at least 20%, by reducing cost to the patient, improving quality through better patient outcomes & delivering better access – simultaneously.
BigMedilytics produces:
- A Big Data Healthcare Analytics Blueprint, which enables data integration and innovation spanning all the key players across the Healthcare Data Value Chains;
- Instantiations of the Blueprint which implement BigMedilytics concepts across 12 large-scale pilots accounting for an estimated 86% of deaths and 77% of the disease burden in Europe;
- The Best “Big Data technology and Healthcare policy” Practices related to big data technologies, new business models and European and National healthcare data policies and regulations.
BigMedilytics, funded under the H2020-ICT-2017-1 call, includes 35 partners from 12 countries. More specific, the consortium consists of key stakeholders in healthcare data value chain: (i) a number of leading healthcare providers (INC, EMC, RCSI, KAR, HUP, MUW, CHA, CUR, ESS, OLV, ETZ), (ii) healthtech and big data industry (PHI, ATOS, HUA, IBM), (iii) Insurance industry (ACH, AXA, AOK) and pharmaceutical industry (ASZ). Furthermore, six leading research institutes (DFKI, TNO, VTT, HPI, NCSR-D, ITI) and five universities (TUE, LUH, UPM, UNIS, BMG) will bring in know how in the field of big data technologies. Finally, five SMEs (CON, ATC, MYM, NISS, OPTI) will also contribute specific strong expertise applied particularly to three themes of BigMedilytics.
ATC will be responsible for the implementation of the Integrated system for the Lung Cancer Pilot.
The project started in January 2018 and will have a duration of 38 months.
For more information contact: Mrs Anna Triantafillou, email: a.triantafillou [at] or visit BigMedilytics website.