Using disruptive technologies in the urban planning decision-making process bears the risk of excluding some parts of the population; in particular, older adults, who are less digitally literate and might show distrust of decisions and engagement based on technology. At the same time, European cities are facing the challenge of adapting to an increasing aging population, so it is crucial to engage this part of the population in decision making processes. In this context, URBANAGE aims at assessing the potential benefits, risks and impact of implementing a long-term sustainable framework for data-driven decision-making in the field of urban planning for aging well in cities.
URBANAGE will develop an Ecosystem that improves the quality of decision making on issues related to urban planning for age-friendly cities, by harnessing the collective intelligence of users. For this purpose, URBANAGE aims to provide evidence-based tools for local authorities to guide transformation towards more inclusive cities, while at the same time explore how existing engagement tools can be adapted to senior citizens’ needs, leveraging gamification techniques.
URBANAGE consortium is composed of 12 partners from 6 European countries (Finland, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Spain and United Kingdom) that will work on the different WPs and tasks assuring a successful achievement of URBANAGE results.
ATC will exploit their longstanding experience in the development and integration of software platforms for delivering the URBANAGE Digital Twin Platform. In addition, ATC will be the Exploitation Manager in URBANAGE, leading the exploitation plan of the project.
The project started in February 2021 and has a duration of 36 months.
European Commission (H2020)
Feb 2021