PoliVisu is a three-year long Horizon 2020 project that will transform local transport systems, making them more optimised, resilient and citizen-centric. To that end, it will work with the three cities of Ghent, Pilsen and Issy-les-Moulineaux to promote data-driven policymaking as a solution to urban mobility challenges, including parking difficulties, traffic congestion and inadequate transport infrastructure. The experience of pilots and other cities across Europe shows that policymaking can be a long and laborious process, and that making agile policy decisions is easier said than done. PoliVisu will change that by offering new methods and tools to public administrations, enabling them to easily explore, experiment and test innovative approaches in response to local problems. Its framework envisages agile policymaking as a continuous process consisting of three cycles. The design cycle reconciles the views of different stakeholders and facilitates experimentation of policy scenarios through data visualisation. The implementation cycle goes beyond mere policy execution and includes frequent communication activities coupled with reaction monitoring, while the evaluation cycle is all about assessing policy impact on areas like environment, mobility, financing and citizen welfare.
Supporting all these activities will be a set of ICT tools that partners intend to use to varying degrees at different stages of the project. They include Geosparc open source visualisation components, JavaScript WebGLayer library, MICKA metadata catalogue, social media evaluation tool TruthNext, WARP 10 platform for working with sensor data, MACQ smart mobility platform, Open Transport Map for visualising traffic volumes and SensLog integrated solution for sensor networks.
The Consortium is coordinated by Vlaams Gewest (Belgium) and consists of ATC (Greece), Stad Gent (Belgium), IS-practice (Belgium), Geosparc (Belgium), Macq (Belgium), EDIP (Czech Republic), Help Service Remote Sensing (Czech Republic), InnoConnect (Czech Republic), Sprava Informacnich Technologii Mesta Plzne (Czech Republic), Plan4All (Czech Republic), Issy Media (France), Citi Zen Data (France), Politecnico Di Milano (Italy) and 21c Consultancy (UK).
ATC will lead the integration activities and is also responsible for adapting and improving the Social Media Analysis Service, based on our TruthNest commercially available service.
The project has started in November 2017 and will have a duration of 36 months.