
Discovery Space: An AI-Enhanced Classroom for Deeper Learning in STEM

Discovery Space is an EU-funded Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation – Forward Looking project that aspires to develop a roadmap for the AI-Enhanced Classroom for Deeper Learning in STEM that facilitates the transformation of the traditional classroom to an innovative environment that promotes the scientific exploration and supports the development of key skills for all students. Discovery Space introduces AI-driven learning companions and VR/AR interfaces to support the student and enhance the learning experience.

Discovery Space Consortium brings together a multidisciplinary team with significant expertise in designing, developing, implementing, validating, and bringing to the market innovative educational products and tools:

  • University of Bayreuth [UBT, Project Coordinator] (GERMANY)
  • University of Deusto [DEUSTO] (SPAIN)
  • Ellinogermaniki Agogi [EA] (GREECE)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems [ICCS] (GREECE)
  • LabsLand [LABSLAND] (SPAIN)
  • Athens Technology Center [ATC] (GREECE)
  • European Physical Society Association [EPS] (FRANCE)
  • Nuclio – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação [NUCLIO] (PORTUGAL)

ATC participates in the development of SMART technologies for the deeper learning environment and works together with ICCS for the design and the development of the AI-driven learning companion offering personalised educational itineraries and life-long support to students. Furthermore, ATC, contributes to the integration of the system and leads the project’s communication and dissemination activities.

The project started in January 2023 and will last for 36 months.

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