Human-Centric Digital Government: From Research to Action
Friday, 06 May 2022
13h30 – 15h00 CET
Microsoft Teams
European citizens and businesses do not have yet widespread access to cross-border digital public services. Only 43% of critical public services can be accessed online across the European Union, against 81% of national services. The European Commission has taken action and is proposing regulations and unleashing funding to enable cross-border service delivery. The single digital gateway will become operational in 2022, and the regulation on the digital eID wallet proposed by the European Commission will make public services securely accessible across Europe. The digital Europe programme will launch the first pilot projects on eID later in 2022, and the recovery and resilience facility devotes €47 billion to digital government.
How can we ensure that such ambitious strategies and resources deliver the promised results? And what does it take to make European public services interoperable, user-centric and apply privacy-by design?
To find the answers, the Towards User Journeys for the Delivery of Cross-Border Services Ensuring Data Sovereignty (ACROSS) project convenes the High-Level Roundtable on Human-Centric Digital Government: How to Manage the Trade-offs and Deliver Interoperable, User-Centric, and Private-by-Design Public Services. Bringing together leading experts in digital government, policymakers and researchers from five ongoing Horizon-2020 funded projects involving 51 partners from 18 different countries, the roundtable will dive into the lessons learnt from piloting interoperable, user-centric and secure cross-border solutions.
The discussions will be further fed by Citizens as Sovereign: How to Make Public Services User-centric, Privacy-Compliant and Interoperable by Design, a new policy brief that will launch in the margins.
High-Level Speakers and Sessions Include:
Session 1: The Digital Identity Wallet: How It Will Enhance the User Experience on Digital Public Services?
- Robert Krimmer, ERA-chair professor of e-governance, University of Tartu; associate editor, Government Information Quarterly (GIQ)
- Herbert Leitold, secretary-general, Secure Information Technology Center – Austria (A-SIT); director, Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies (SIC)
- Filipe Rodrigues, research and innovation manager, criminal police, Ministry of Justice, Portugal
Session 2: Co-Creation for Data Sovereignty: How can Governments Boost Citizen Trust?
- Judie Attard, enterprise data manager, Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA)
- Enrique Areizaga, chief executive officer and co-founder, GPONDoctor; digital transformation manager, Tecnalia Research and Innovation Centre, Spain
- Timo Behrmann, senior consultant in public sector digital transformation, Dataport AöR, Germany
Session 3: Democratising Co-Production of Sustainable Public Services: What are the Legal and Technical Barriers to Co-Delivery?
- Matteo Gerosa, head of project management group, Fondazione Bruno Kessler; consultant, The World Bank Group
- Marit Hoefsloot, concept and project developer, WAAG -Technology and Society
- Noortje Hoevens, researcher, novel collaborative governance models, Radboud University
The roundtable will take place online. Details on how to join will be shared later with registered participants. Please register by sending a request to nathan.carvalho@lisboncouncil.net with “Citizens First” in the subject heading. Only registered participants will have access to the meeting.
About the Projects
This high-level roundtable draws on lessons learnt from research conducted by 51 organisations in 18 counties in the context of the following projects: Towards User Journeys for the Delivery of Cross-Border Services Ensuring Data Sovereignty (ACROSS); SinGLe Sign-on eGovernAnce paradigm based on a distributed file exchange network for Security, transparency, cost effectiveness and truSt (GLASS); Co-creation in governance for more inclusive services for citizens and businesses (inGOV); Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet (Interlink); Mobile Cross-Border Government Services for Europe (mGov4EU)
The projects are co-funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme.