
5GMED October 2023 Demo Days: How It Was

The 5GMED project reached a new milestone in October 2023 with a two-day trial of its progress made over the past year. The Demo Days were not merely another event; they were a testament to the project’s progress in deploying 5G technology for cross-border mobility in the Mediterranean Corridor. This event was an opportunity to demonstrate the real-world impact of the project’s work, focusing on all four key use cases: remote driving, road infrastructure digitalization, railway communications, and follow-me infotainment.

On October 25th and 26th, 2023, the European Commission representatives came along to evaluate the progress achieved by 5GMED.

Take a closer look at the multiple events that unfolded during these intensive demo days here.

Check also a behind-the-scenes video that pulls back the veil on the incredible effort, dedication, and teamwork that powered the 5GMED October 2023 Demos.

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