The scope of the project “Fact-provisioning and bias estimation tools for public inoculation against disinformation campaigns” is the development of solutions that make relevant information more easily available. It is a Donor Partnership Project between ATC (GR, Project Promoter) and ATHENA-ILSP (GR, Partner). The project is concerned with the phenomenon of disinformation, i.e. the deliberate presentation of misleading or false information (a subset of which is also called ‘fake news’), and proposes a solution for its mitigation. Information is meant in the sense of the presentation of facts, either contained in news (presentation of facts about current events), or in user statements and opinions, e.g. propagated in social media.
The project is financed by the Business Innovation Greece programme under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.
The project will last for two and a half years and will include the construction of a news aggregating platform, which will showcase all functionalities of the tools developed within the course of the project.