

Fostering Dialogue and Cooperation between the EU and EECA in the HORIZON 2020 perspective

EAST-HORIZON was a support action funded under the FP7 EU programme that aims to assist ICT R&D policy dialogue between Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) partner countries and the European Commission, paving the path for EU-EECA successful strategic partnerships.

EAST HORIZON inspired ideas and influence policies to help the Dialogue between the EU and the EECA, which led to the best possible benefits for both sides and in parallel supported organisations from both sides to prepare successful proposals for joint projects in collaborative ICT R&D, within Horizon 2020 and national EU/EECA ICT R&D programmes.

The specific objectives of the EAST-HORIZON project were to:

  • Support the Dialogue between EU and EECA countries at all levels. To this end, EAST HORIZON mobilized the most influential and knowledgeable people and Institutions and provided the necessary tools for an efficient continuous collaboration.
  • Raise awareness among EECA organizations about H2020 through focused events which provided a deep insight into H2020 challenges and priorities, Information Society Policy Co-operation activities, and how this fits into the Digital Agenda for Europe.
  • Adopt a holistic approach towards ICT R&D. This brought together ICT research institutions, Information Technology Industrial companies and key ICT Users in each country, to maximize impact in ICT research collaboration and foster the wider and more holistic promotion of innovation. It linked tri-partite (Research, Industry, Users) focus Groups with ICT R&D policy makers to influence policies and to shape or strengthen business links between the EU and the EECA countries Information Technology Communities.
  • Create permanent structures and mechanisms, sustainable after the end of the project.

EAST-HORIZON established a permanent communication and collaboration platform, an environment where all ICT Research players could meet and work together to raise ideas for joint Research projects. The platform, linked to similar platforms, was transferred to EECA stakeholders at the end of the project, for achieving sustainability of collaboration mechanisms built under EAST-HORIZON

EAST-HORIZON was coordinated by PLANET S.A. (Greece). The Partnership was composed of 2 EU partners (ATC-Greece, ENG-Italy), 1 Associated country (EFPC-Israel) and  10 EECA partners: CCRAS (Russia), IST-C (Armenia), R.I.T.A. (Azerbaijan), BELISA (Belarus), CIP (Moldova), NIP (Ukraine), ICARTI (Georgia), InExCB-Kz (Kazakhstan), IUCP-T (Uzbekistan) and OSU (Kyrgyzstan).

ATC was responsible for Community building, Networking and Training activities and contributed in shaping the EECAs ICT R&D Vision towards HORIZON 2020 as well as in the dissemination activities of the project.

The project started on February 2014 and had a duration of 30 months.

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