Central Europe is suffering the brunt of disinformation, which worldwide is reaching unprecedented levels, on topics ranging from health to politics. The cross-border dimension of disinformation and its great volatility, whether in terms of contents or techniques used, call for coordinated, sophisticated and determined responses. As EDMO sets the frame for Europe, the aim of CEDMO is to implement an unprecedented, but highly experienced hub against disinformation for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. CEDMO hub will be integrated to EDMO infrastructure and will empower organizations and individuals with timely information and state-of-the-art tools.
CEDMO is supported by a large network of government, media, industry and NGO entities. A strong support is given by 11 national authorities, 20 media organizations, 15 NGOs, 10 private companies, 5 research groups and 6 experts in related fields. Collaboration of all these stakeholders will establish recognition, visibility, and impact of the hub. It will catalyze understanding, identification and responses to disinformation, through efficient AI-powered fact checks and improved media literacy.
The CEDMO consortium, led by Charles University – CU (CZE), involves eight partners and four subcontractors. Its greatest strength is the diverse team of technical and humanities scientists with journalists and fact checking professionals: the addressed problem is inherently multidisciplinary and requires attention from multiple angles. From the consortium members, ATC (GRC) will be responsible for the development of the technical infrastructure. Immediate disinformation responses and daily fact checking will be delivered by seasoned professionals of AFP (CZE, POL, SVK, EN), Demagog.cz (CZE) and the subcontractors Konkret24 (POL) and infosecurity.sk (SVK). Researchers from KInIT (SVK) and Czech Technical University – CTU (CZE), who have extensive experience with artificial intelligence, NLP and machine learning, will develop methods and digital tools to improve and speed up debunking. Other consortium members will research the impact of disinformation on the society. These members include CU (CZE), University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava – UCM (SVK), University of Social Sciences and Humanities – SWPS (POL) and the subcontractors Collegium Civitas – CC (POL) and Palacky University – PU (CZE). On top of that, CU will lead the integration of technical and humanities branches of the consortium through interdisciplinary research initiatives.
ATC is responsible to set up the hub’s website and collaborative environment (based on Truly Media) and to make sure that the hub is interoperable with EDMO. ATC will also set up the hub’s repository, accessible through the website, which will serve as a central data storage of all outcomes created by the hub’s members.
CEDMO started in October 2021 and will last for 30 months.
European Commission-HaDEA (CEF)
Oct 2021