

Improved resilience of Critical Infrastructures AgainsT LArge scale transNational and sysTemic rISks

ATLANTIS (funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe framework programme under grant agreement No.101073909) aims at enhancing resilience and Cyber-Physical-Human (CPH) security of the key EU Critical Infrastructures. ATLANTIS goes beyond the scope of distinct assets, systems, and single CI, by addressing resilience at the systemic level against major natural hazards and complex attacks that could potentially disrupt vital functions of the society. The mission of ATLANTIS, which involves 39 European partners with complementary roles and skills, is to improve the resilience and the protection capabilities of interconnected ECI exposed to evolving systemic risks due to existing and emerging large-scale, combined, cyber-physical threats and hazards, guarantee the continuity of operations, while minimizing cascading effects in the infrastructure itself, the environment, other CIs, and the involved population, enabling public and private actors to meet current and emerging challenges by adopting sustainable security solutions.

ATLANTIS mission is as follows:

  • Improving knowledge on large-scale, vulnerability assessment and long-term systemic risks.​
  • Improving the systemic resilience of ECI, through novel, adaptive, flexible, and customizable security measures and tools.
  • Improving effective cooperation among CI operators and government security stakeholders, while preserving CI autonomy and sovereignty.
  • Delivering an open TRL-7 technological framework that will provide the ECIs with AI -based solutions for increased AWARENESS, CAPABILITY and COOPERATION in managing systemic threats.

ATLANTIS solution will be validated and demonstrated in 3 large-scale cross-border pilots:

  • LSP #1: Cross-Border/Cross Domain Large Scale Pilot in Transport, Energy and Telecoms (Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and France).
  • LSP #2: Cross Domain Large Scale Pilot in Health, Logistics/Supply Chain and Border control (Cyprus, Greece and Croatia).
  • LSP #3: Cross-Country Large-Scale Pilot in FinTech/Financial (Italy, Germany, Cyprus).

The consortium consists of 39 partners from different domains (9 Large Industries, 7 SMEs, 15 Critical Infrastructure Operators – End Users, 9 Research Institutes and 6 Governmental Security Agencies).

ATC’s contribution to the ATLANTIS project will be based on its extensive background in Fact-Checking and Verification and Social Media Listening solutions & tools (Truly Media, TruthNest, Social Listening Service).

The project started in October 2022 and will last for 36 months.

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