

A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation

The AGORA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and aspires to support the overall objectives of the “Adaptation to Climate Change” mission by leveraging and step forwarding best-practices, innovative approaches, policy instruments and governance mechanisms to meaningfully and effectively engage communities and regions in climate actions, accelerating and upscaling adaptation process for building a climate resilient Europe. Furthermore, it will promote democracy, climate justice, gender equality, equity, and foster adaptive capacity and citizens’ empowerment to pro-actively support decision-making processes. AGORA’s main ambition, is to promote societal transformational processes in different social, economic and political contexts through interdisciplinary tools and approaches. Citizens, civil society organizations, academics, experts, policy-makers, entrepreneurs and other relevant actors are engaged in the co-design and co-creation of innovative problem oriented climate adaptation solutions.

The AGORA consortium brings together a multi-disciplinary team of partners with a long-lasting expertise in the field of climate change adaptation, participatory processes and methods, and social innovation from six EU Countries, Switzerland and UK:

  • Euro‑Mediterranean Center on Climate Change [CMCC, Project Coordinator] (ITALY)
  • European Citizen Science Association [ECSA] (GERMANY)
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center [BCN] (SPAIN)
  • CIMA Research Foundation – International Center for Environmental Monitoring [CIMA] (ITALY)
  • ICLEI European Secretariat [ICLEI] (GERMANY)
  • Agency for the Promotion of European Research [APRE] (ITALY)
  • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [IIASA] (AUSTRIA)
  • Stockholm Environment Institute [SEI] (SWEDEN)
  • IBERCIVIS Foundation [IBE] (SPAIN)
  • Athens Technology Center [ATC] (GREECE)
  • University of Geneva [UNIGE] (SWITZERLAND)
  • Stockholm Environment Institute – Oxford [SEI OX] (UK)

ATC participates in the aggregation of capacity building resources for climate change adaptation, liaises with the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and the EDMO hubs, and contributes in the development of digital tools (gamified application and digital academy) that are employed in fighting disinformation campaigns.

The project started in January 2023 and will last for 36 months.

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